Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Got Senioritis?

Hey guys! I'm sorry I have been so distant lately.  As many of you know I m a senior and suffering from a little well a lot of senioritis.  Here are some tips that will Help you guys and hopefully help me!

1. Take care of yourself

The last thing you want to do is have your frustration with school overtake your life.  I get it trust me June can't come soon enough but stay healthy.  Eat breakfast every morning because your brain can not work with nothing.  Take a run after school or in the morning, trust me it will make you feel better.  

2. Be organized

The worst thing is being lazy as a senior.  My example is not naming your documents on good drive.  Trying to find a document when all are called untitled documents becomes challenging.  Take a few minutes everyday to schedule your homework and plan when to do your work.

3. Get Motivated

Yes you might of already of gotten into college but that doesn't mean you can give up on your school work.  Study there is only four months left make it count and actually learn.  You never know how much you can learn when you take the time to care. 

4. Be Realistic 

This is my favorite.  I'm one of those people who is the hopeless romantic that nothing ever happens to.  Senior year is about closing ties and living with to regrets.  Tell that person you like them before it's to late and they leave or someone beats you to it.  Be realistic and don't get your expectations to high because like that boy your future won't just happen it is up to you to work hard to make your future.

5. Have Fun but not too much fun

This one has to be the most important.  Yes I understand it's your last year at home and the last time your going to be wight he people you have know sense the beginning.  Your 17 years old your smart enough to make the right choices, don't make some mistake that will ruin your future.  This is your time to be young and happy make sure it stays that way.