1. Salmon
Salmon has vitamin D that keeps your brain, colon, bones, and heart healthy. Salmon has Omega-3 which can help fight ache.
2. Spinach
Yes I realize the last thing you want to eat is gross spinach. But I do have a way of getting around the gross taste and still eating the right amount of spinach. Make a green smoothie. Yes those gross smoothies people drink in movie actually are not that bad when made right. Add some yogurt, orange juice and a banana and blend it and you will have a healthy breakfast.
3. Almonds
This is a great way to eat almond because there tart taste is balanced out with a fruit and the yogurt.
4. Chia Seeds
The Omega-3 in Chia seeds is known to fight ache and wrinkles. A good way to eat Chia seeds is to add it to a smoothie. Why not add it to your power green smoothie and kill two birds with one stone.
5. Coconut oil

Coconut Oil is high in lauric acid which fights off infections, ache, and viruses. It also has vitamin E and essential fatty acids that keeps skin smooth and soft.
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