Friday, April 15, 2016

13 Signs You’re a Seeing a "f**k boi"

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According to Urban dictionary, a "f**k boi" is a guy that will take all the costs to get a girl to sleep with him. They think they are the sh*t, but really they're no cooler than your black coffee.  It is the male equivalent to the "basic bitch" with a little more manipulation.

1. They're a bad tipper

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If they take you somewhere for dinner and when the bill comes they quickly become awkward, it may be the biggest warning sign.  If they leave a pile of change or make you pitch in on the tip, run away fast.

2. They own more Vineyard Vines than you thought possible

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Once I was having a conversation with what I would say was a f**k boi, and he did not even know where his colorful whale stamped clothing came from, or even what Martha’s Vineyard was.  If they can't read the label on their clothing, it's a warning.

3. They talk as if they're an athlete on a professional sports team

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Sports are great, I love sports, but if you have to hear about every play of the Patriot’s game, I hope you're also having the pleasure of Gronks company.

4. Shirtless Bathroom Selfies

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No guy should ever do this, no matter how in shape or attractive they are.  Mirror selfies are never okay.

5. Place or name dropping

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Cool, you've been to Monaco and met Grace Kelly's granddaughter, I really don't care.

6. Using Instagram like a 14 year old girl

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Something you probably wouldn't ever of guessed is guys are possibly the most critical when it comes to girls’ Instagram. They look at all the pictures from three years ago, and try to get to know you from your senior prom pics.  Maybe try talking to them?

7. Documenting every trip to the gym

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I'm done seeing way too cut out wife beater tanks, and please can we get another name for those.  If you need to snapchat every time you go to the gym, maybe try to find another hobby.

8. They won't date till after college, and she must be a 10.5

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Yes, this is a line from one of the biggest fuck boi's I've ever met.  Sorry hun, but no one that is an all around 10.5 is going to want to date you, especially when she hears about how badly you have treated women.

9. Bragging about how many people they've been with

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I just love it when I'm in class and sit in front or behind the varsity athletes and I hear about their "conquests". Please keep it in a closed in environment, or maybe have some respect for her and not share all the gory details.

10. They make "plans" after 10pm

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My rule is never text back a guy that will text you at 10pm asking what you're doing.  He clearly does not care about your plans, because by 10pm you're out with your friends.  Chicks over dicks.

11.  They wait ten years to respond

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It takes about point five seconds to respond to pretty much any text message. Yes, some you need a couple minutes to think about what to say.  But, if he takes more than three hours and he's updated his snapchat story, delete his number and don't look back.

12. They’re selfish between the sheets

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If he doesn't do it for you the first time, chances are he won't do it any following time.  Never waste your time with someone who doesn't care about your time in bed.

13. They know Lululemon doesn't just sell women's clothing

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If he knows that Lululemon is not just a place that sells yoga pants, then he probably cares more about his looks than anything else.

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