Monday, May 18, 2015

My Busy Day Necessity

My Day

In the summer, my day starts at 5:30 am. For some reason, I got convinced to run the Falmouth Road Race.  Yes, I work out, and by that I mean go to the gym with my best friend and gossip about the crazy girl on The Bachelor. Then, I work at a summer camp from 8-4 and finish off my day at 12 am waiting tables. After that my favorite thing is to just lay on my coach and put my feet up.

Sole Serum

The sole serum is great if you're like me and are always on your feet.  My dad even used it.  Last year, we were hiking camel hump, and my dad hurt his foot and couldn't even go skiing me weekends over the winter.  He  used this and said it actually helped with the pain.

The great aspect about this product is it fits right in your makeup bag. If you have a busy day like me chances are you are not going to have time to go home in between your busy schedule. I use this when I change shifts, I put a little on my feet and it helps with the pain when I get home. Instead of heading home and heading straight to the couch, I can take my dog for a little walk.

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