Monday, May 18, 2015

Yes to Coconut Review

Once Upon a Time...

Yes to was created by two soccer mates who wanted to create a beauty line that was made with fruits and veggies.  Yes to is a company that is animal friendly and free of harsh chemicals, and this company is located in my favorite City, San Francisco, so I have to write about it.
Ultra Moisture Hair Regimen

If you have dry hair, this shampoo and conditioner duo will be your new best buddy. My hair is very dry and damaged, but I have super thin hair, which becomes oily very easily.  When you wash your hair, you are supposed to wash your roots with shampoo and smooth your ends with conditioner.

If you're like me, use the shampoo and conditioner before you sleep, and when you wake up in the morning, just use the conditioner.  If you use both before you go out, your hair will smell amazing but will also be greasy.  

If you have dry hair, use both the shampoo and conditioner.  This duo will nourish your hair and will help your ends be more smoother.  I have tried just about every drugstore moisturizing shampoos and conditioners, and this one has to be one of the best I have tried.  It does cost a little more than the drugstore brands, but it is much more worth it.

Tomato Soap

Yes, you heard that right: tomato soap. When I was looking at this product, I was very curious about the tomato and charcoal ingredients.  Charcoal is a super interesting new trend.  It is now popular to drink charcoal smoothies because they help with dietary problems.  

This soap is great as a replacement for your body wash.  The problem I have with body wash is you're paying for 85% water.  Using this soap with a loofa costs less because you're not paying every couple of weeks to replace your body wash, and it’s made with natural ingredients.

Curl Defining Hair Smoother

I started dyeing my hair when I was in sixth grade, and I have been everything from redhead to bleach blonde. That said, my hair is pretty weak and frail.  I try to not use heat on my hair because it is a lot healthier for hair to dry on it's own.  

This is great because it holds your hair together: no more frizzies.  Especially in the normal weather frizziness can make your hair look larger and the extra strength helps my hair look more neat. But when I have to be at work at 6:30, I don't have the time to blow dry and straighten my hair.  This is great for applying to the ends of your hair right after you shower before you brush it.

Polishing Body Scrub

This scrub is a little more intense than your normal body wash.  It works with your skin to exfoliate and get rid of toxins and impurities.  My little tip with sugar scrubs is to take them out of the shower when you are done because they will get watery.  

This sugar scrub worked great on me.  I worked a little into my hand and then used my loofa.  Also, the scrub  didn’t have an overpowering smell.  It had a nice coconut smell that stayed on my skin.  

Cleansing Wipes

Sleeping with your makeup on can be very unhealthy for your skin.  Sometimes even washing your skin with a cleanser does not get all the makeup off. Especially now that we are entering into wedding season, you are probably heading to your make up station twice as often.

I like to use a cleanser when I shower, but I use a facial wipe afterwards to make sure all the makeup is off.  Sleeping with your eyeshadow is very harmful for your eyes.  Make sure you remove all your makeup before you sleep.

Head-To -Toe Restoring Balm

Dry skin is no one’s friend, especially when you say goodbye to winter and can no longer cover up the dryness under a pair of jeans.  It's summer, and it's time to put away your long pants and leggings and make room for you shorts and skirts!  

This is a great product to put on right after you shave and before you go to bed.  If you have sensitive skin like me, shaving really drys out your skin, but shaving is a necessary evil.  This is a thick product, but it comes with an applicator so you don’t have to worry about oily fingers.

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